Saturday, May 22, 2010

May I Present, Mr and Mrs James Billings

So I realized after I titled this post that I managed not to upload a single picture of Mr and Mrs Billings...Let me just say that I have heard the expression before that if you are lucky enough to have one good friend, you are truly lucky. Well, maybe I should start buying lottery tickets because I may be the luckiest person in the world. I feel so blessed to have such an exceptional group of friends, and even more impressive is that most of my dearest friends have been friends since before we could even drive! One of these life-long friends tied the knot this weekend and I could not be happier for Carolyne and James. There are not two nicer people in this world and they deserve every bit of happiness that I know is coming there way. Here are a few pictures of the big day, and Carolyne and James, here's to you!

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