Saturday, May 23, 2009

Liam is ONE!!!

I am at a loss to explain how it feels that my baby is now a year old. I don't know if it's because I know that he is my last baby (this is probably a large part of it) or if I felt the same way when Annah turned one and I just don't remember feeling this way...not sure. Bur either way, he is a whole year old. It is a strange phenomenon to feel like he was just born and to, at the same time, feel like I cannot remember life with out him. He has completed our family in every way. It is amazing the difference between boys and girls, even at this age. Liam loves anything that moves...balls, cars, trucks, etc. He has a smile that can light up a room and a laugh that is contagious. He loves to make us laugh and once he starts, we keep it up forever!
Liam, I love you more than I could ever put into words! You are my heart and I can only hope that one day you will understand how fortunate I feel to have you in my life. You are a little sneaky and try and try to do what you want even if I have told you no a hundred times. You have a little temper too, but even when you are mad, you are still smiling. I love that you know exactly what you want and you are getting better every day at telling us what that is. You can say Ma-ie (mommy), Da-ie (daddy), Annah, up, dog, ba (ball), boon (balloon) and can sign for "more" and "all done." You are so smart and funny and totally live up to your nickname of Monkey. We all love you so, so, so much!

Is this the cutest little boy in the whole world, or is it just me?!

The demolished cake. Annah thought it was a riot


1 comment:

Micah said...

it is amazing yet incredibly sad how fast time is flying. Glad we got so share in Liam's 1st birthday!