Monday, January 19, 2009

Doggy Doggy, the Story Continues

The background...
When Will and Leigh were little, Leigh had a stuffed dog named Henrietta. It seems Will wanted Henrietta to be his...but there was a problem. Henrietta had a name tag with her name sewn onto her fur. If Will just took her, Leigh would be able to claim her as her own because of the name tag. So Will, in typical toddler fashion, ripped the name tag off and claimed her to be his own dog whose name was Doggy Doggy. Clearly no one could argue with this logic. Leigh's dog had a name tag, this dog did not , so it must be his! Will managed to win this argument and Doggy Doggy still resides at our house.
The present...
Rosie wanted to take Annah and Liam to Build A Bear. We had a great time! Annah made a pink Bear named Beary (along with several princess outfits for her to wear) and Liam made...a dog! Guess what Will wanted us to name him...Doggy Doggy! My how we live through our children!

Liam and the current Doggy Doggy


Micah said...

you need to find a pic of Will and his Doggie Doggie!

calicodaisy said...

Hey! I'm Michele, a blogger in Lexington, at I was running around through the "Lexington Blogosphere" on feedjit to see who else blogs in the Columbia area, and I landed here. Please stop by sometime!
-- Michele