Tuesday, April 7, 2009

School Easter Party

Since this week is Annah's Spring Break, her class had their Easter party last Friday. I love going to her class and seeing her interact with all the kids. She is really coming out of her shell. Still on the shy side, but making huge strides. The kids were so cute "hunting" (they were not so much "hidden" as they were laying in plain sight) their eggs. One ig sugar-rush later, we were off to the beach for spring break...

Annah and Amelia (her school BF)

Liam attended the party too

They all made bunny bags for their eggs
Annah's had green wiskers and a blue nose, b/c Daddy's favorite colors are blue and green

Egg hunting

Annah's class
Lauren, Emma, Cade, Ruby, Elijah, Robbie, Jonas, Amelia, and Annah

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